L025 Scarlet Cactus Pleco

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 13, 2009
Philly, PA
Here's a quick shot of my L025 Scarlet Cactus Pleco. I already posted this in the African Media Lounge but i figured you pleco guys might like it.


I know that they are primarily carnivores but what type of diet would you recommend? Right now he is sucking up NLS sinking pellets like crazy.
Looks more like L114. Feed bloodworms along with the pellets.
Yeah, but have you seen full grown L025? The one i have has the large spurs in distict lines down the sides of his body. I cannot seem to get a good picture of this with my current camera since he is only about 2" now

Do the lepard plecos display this also?
Here is two more shots i just took for good measure.

Close up

Closer still
Another reason why i was leaning toward l025 was the aggressive disposition this pleco has. He quite literally attacks the Cichlids in my tank that come close to him during feeding time.

He was sold me as an L117 "spiney devil pleco" at my LFS
I seem to doubt this ID and for good reason.

I would really like a clear cut answer so i know his dietary needs for certain.

I have a L114 and it does have the spurs. I grew it up from about 1-2in. It is now roughly 6in. I am no pleco expert but I used to be crazy about them and had many different fancy varieties. I sold them all about a year ago but kept the L114. It is currently in with my discus and hystrix I feed that tank color granules, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and other frozen foods for the rays but he continues to thrive. He is aggressive when defending his locale, where ever he may be in the tank.

I do not think yours in an L025 (Scarlett) though. The coloring is quite different (even as a juvenile) and more similar to the leopard cactus (L114). But we can let others weigh in. I will see if I can dig up an old picture...

This is a pic from about 18 months ago...

Thanks guys! What size should i expect him to grow to? I have seen varying lengths of 6-10"

Also, he is in a 55 gallon right now but he will be moved to a 125 in about 4 months. Would that be an adequate tank size for this pleco?