Oh awesome! Yeah, I'm not 100% sure about keeping other cichlids with these guys. My hope is that the severum will have a different enough body shape that he won't be immediately seen as a threat, but I'm still on the fence about the honduran reds. On the one hand, their relation to convicts dictates that they can take care of themselves, but they ARE a different breed and known for being more laid back than typical convicts so... That being said, I have a few small caves that only they could get into. I'll just have to wait and see what the regani end up being like - I'm actually more likely to try the hrp's if my big guy is more aggressive just to split his attention away from his mate. But I don't want a bloodbath on my hands either.
My assumption with thet bichir was that they're so different that the regani wouldn't regard them as a competitor - BUT I'm also concerned that if I get a bichir at a size it can live with my current setup with the congo tetras it will also be seen as a sweet little wormy snack to the regani. I'll just have to wait and see what hapens when they're totally settled I think; no matter what I'll probably end up trying a bichir with them at some point.