Around this area i had the two biggest jaguars id ever scene or heard of back in the day getting old that was 16 years ago ... Disclaimer now (pic's were taken 16 years ago before i had taste in decoration . before reasonable price consumer level dslr cameras before i thought about staging to take the best pic's of my fish) The one jaguar named francis after my grandma because it was ridiculously mean (named so by by my family not me ) was a hair over 16" the other never had a name for who was very peaceful hung out with my oscars alot was just under 18" i actually thought to measure him when he died and he was THICK and taller than my 16 incher ... I bought them both almost the size they were at a long since gone petshop in the area called Critters .... ( they had to this day the most memorable saying I remember from a business card " where all dead fish are always half off ..) .. anyway enough talkie on with the obligatory fish pics ...