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Im Angie
MFK Member
Apr 18, 2005
Northern VA
So I started working at a LFS, and the dude that owns it is 21.
He's bi-polar and is very stubborn.
He can't keep Saltwater fish and is always throwing tons of copper...(Copper something made my seachem) in the system, same with the freshwater system, but all it does it kill MY SNAILS.
He's convinced that by dosing the SW system with tons of copper whatever will fix the few spots of ich the Sailfin tang has in one of the tanks....(cause his QUAR system is not up to par to him.) Then what happens?...AYellow tang, yellow striped/maroon/ Perc clowns all die. All the perfectly healthy fish. Then he goes on to tell me that if a DOSE of copper killed them they weren't actually healthy anyway....

NOw, I don't know Much about Saltwater fish, but is this a reasonable way to cure a saltwater fish, by taking out all the healthy looking ones that we had for months? or is it possible that THOSE OTHER fish we had for months actually had something DEEP down inside and they where just waiting to die like he tells me constantly?...
I'm not much of a saltwater guy - in fact I barely know anything about it - BUT working at an LFS I got a chance to talk to a lot of real serious SW guys. Pretty much NONE OF THEM will EVER MEDICATE thier fish with copper or even malacite green (sp?) because the effect that medications in general have on water quality is generally worse for the fish and system in general than whatever disease it's supposed to prevent.

Sounds like the owner of your LFS is the worst kind of idiot - the kind with enough knowledge to think he knows everything. I really can't stand those people and there are WAY too many of them in the pet trade in general....ugh...

Okay off my soap box......
Copper is really bad for inverts, esp. Start dosing Him with copper, or at least lithium.
WOW!!! :rofl:

That guy should not be running a fish store.

What's the #? I want to call him so I can express my feelings.. I dont think they have an appropriate place here.

BTW, Copper kills inverts and destroy biological filtration, as well as Live Rock and basically anything else living. It also kills scale-less fish. It ALSO leaches into plastics, and silicons and becomes a very permanent thing. So, in other words, good luck keeping Inverts on a system that has been copperized.

Also, when using copper or malachite green.. If it kills off your biological filtration, you are screwed.. Especially in a Saltwater System. Ammonia is more toxic the higher the pH is, and if the pH is at 8.5+, than even the smallest amount of ammonia will eradicate those fish quite rapidly. This is why people have such a hard time 'establishing' a Saltwater tank, they don't understand how toxic ammonia is in saltwater.

He needs to get a Quarnatine tank so he can pull the fish, and use the hypersalinity method for SW Ich.. Or atleast a QT Tank that you don't mind throwing copper into. If he knows so much, he should know this..

Maybe next time his fish get sick, he should try feeding them pennies.

Cenecker couldn't of said it better.

Wow, I am still amazed. What a Dolt.
i own a saltwater fish store...
in my own experience... copper cures ick..
but i use it as a last resort

i'm going to tell u a story about copper
one of my best customers.... really into sw
had a very established tank
well he went on vacation for 5 days ..
and when he returned every single thing was
dead!!!! i tested all the water, everything was fine
amon. nitrite, nitrate. everything within range.there where
spikes in the levels but normal considering everything was dead
so i tested copper..... it was sky high... but he never added copper.
he decided to start from scratch, took out everything, rocks,sand everything
well a day later he comes and tells me he found 2 pennys in there.
pretty deadly :headshake
Cameron, this is a post forum not a chatline, find a thread that intersts you. post an on topic message, wait. Sometimes you don't get a direct response, sometimes you do but maybe not for days. Just check the threads regularaly and relax. Bluedempsey, sounds about right, in my case it was nicotine, some .... I can't think of anything bad enough, dropped a cigarrette butt in a 55g tank one night, by morning total die off.