Let ME know

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Miles said:
WOW!!! :rofl:

That guy should not be running a fish store.

What's the #? I want to call him so I can express my feelings.. I dont think they have an appropriate place here.

BTW, Copper kills inverts and destroy biological filtration, as well as Live Rock and basically anything else living. It also kills scale-less fish. It ALSO leaches into plastics, and silicons and becomes a very permanent thing. So, in other words, good luck keeping Inverts on a system that has been copperized.

Also, when using copper or malachite green.. If it kills off your biological filtration, you are screwed.. Especially in a Saltwater System. Ammonia is more toxic the higher the pH is, and if the pH is at 8.5+, than even the smallest amount of ammonia will eradicate those fish quite rapidly. This is why people have such a hard time 'establishing' a Saltwater tank, they don't understand how toxic ammonia is in saltwater.

He needs to get a Quarnatine tank so he can pull the fish, and use the hypersalinity method for SW Ich.. Or atleast a QT Tank that you don't mind throwing copper into. If he knows so much, he should know this..

Maybe next time his fish get sick, he should try feeding them pennies.

Cenecker couldn't of said it better.

Wow, I am still amazed. What a Dolt.

I would love someone to call this guy and give him a piece of their mind.
He was handed this store about a year ago, and knew nothing about S/W.
Now he thinks he's the master because he's read soooo many books.
He's even had customers, who've kept s/w for years, give him advice, and he sticks his nose up in the air like he's hot ****, and tells me they don't know WHAT their talking about. All he does is talk talk talk and use REALLY big words that half the time I don't even think he knows. Even customers are just kinda like..."Wow, ok, he knows HUGE words that I don't know, HE MUST know what he's talking about!" :shakehead

Now the Freshwater side is mine.. and I want snails.....and he's DOSED it in copper like 5 times.
WTF do I do about it?!? :cry:
Try and find a state or university site on effects of copper on invertabrates, make him read it. Explain the term invertabrate. See if that works. If it doesn't wait until no one is looking and toss him a stone fish. Wait until he dies, call 911. deal with new owner. Repeat as needed.
guppy said:
Try and find a state or university site on effects of copper on invertabrates, make him read it. Explain the term invertabrate. See if that works. If it doesn't wait until no one is looking and toss him a stone fish. Wait until he dies, call 911. deal with new owner. Repeat as needed.
IT would probably be me!
I don't need THAT kind of responsibility!
But how do I remove the already present Copper from my tanks?...
I've tried 2 consecutive weeks, and the coppers still there, even with lots of water changes!
i dono
more carbon alot more is my guess
snails blow hairy ones

i got one like a baseball if you want
iheartfishies said:
IT would probably be me!
I don't need THAT kind of responsibility!
But how do I remove the already present Copper from my tanks?...
I've tried 2 consecutive weeks, and the coppers still there, even with lots of water changes!
It is a pain, copper binds to gravel, silicone, and plastics inc. acrylics. I had to scrub some salmon egg hatching trays. Drain and dry everything, scrub with white vinegar and rinse clean. should work.
So I have DRAIN ALL 30 tanks and scrub out all my sumps and EVERYTHING?
The Bio Balls are encased in it too?!...
iheartfishies said:
So I have DRAIN ALL 30 tanks and scrub out all my sumps and EVERYTHING?
The Bio Balls are encased in it too?!...
Yep, we lost some 500 trays of hatchlings, had to clean trays, tubes, pumps, filters and screens. lots of water changes will help if you can make your water more acid first, the acidity frees up the acid so you can flush it. depending on your copper levels now just try replcing substrates and partial filter media change, then recheck. Egg sack fry salmon are really sensitive to metals.
Don't let your fish smoke it will give them gill cancer!
What I do at my LFS is run one salt water tank with a light dose of copper in it. Whenver I get a sick fish I simply dump him in the quarunteen tank and usually it either clears up or the fish dies. Either way I am free to have live rock and healthy fish in all the other tanks. Your boss seems like a moron, tell him to call pet zoo in alaska if he needs any advice. :)