Let me Share My Plecs

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
omg i love plecos to but i only have a common pleco for now but ill eventually have a more different types of plecos nice pond to
Great pleco collection and pond.I am a bit confused though as frontosas like high ph and plecos like a low ph?How do you keep the two together without stressing one kind?
Thanks for the input matt.. It came in as L27c by our exporter.. L11s are rare, it is the 1st time we brought it here.. It grows pretty quick :)

I have been in the hobby for a longtime now but I stopped for 6-7years, admittedly I haven't seen a gold line panaque in country these days.. before I used to have 2 10incher L27cs and they are indeed a beauty..

With the pond dimensions, I am guilty, I don't know the exact specs.. They used to house my japanese kois before.. I am planning on creating an 8ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft tank for my plecs with altums as my mid dweller soon.. :)
Thank you for appreciating guys.. :)

@poly: ahhh tricky indeed.. I keep my ph on the mid 7s.. I bought the fronts 1st then decided to get the plecos after (as i am really a pleco fanatic).. I will create a tank especially for my plecos so I could once again lower the PH down.. We condition the plecos on 7-7.5ph and admittedly this is not the best environment for them.. I will transfer them to an 380gallon soon where I could create a south american biotape for them.

So far they are doing great, no casualties and everyone is feeding and growing happily.. I make sure that my plecs are feeding a variety of veggies, algae/shrimp wafers and fresh shrimps, so I created an artificial DIY barrier that my fronts cannot get to food I feed my plecos and at the same time the small plecos can travel from one side to another..
nice collection!
Thanks Guys! :D Here are some new friends that I added! :D

My favorite L25:


A. Gibby:

L47: (1st time I had a mango this big.. :))