What kind of fish are in that tank, I see I think a Oscar and A Rbp but what else is in there, Do you have more picks of the fish?
I like the tank but man that's one heck of a fish cohab
*Go S. Vettel #1 rb8--3 MORE RACES LEFT! LET'S MAKE IT 5 BACK TO BACK WINS & 3 WDC!* :beer:
Yeah Oscar, pacu that is 24inch. I really have more fish in there aswell. Ill post another FTS in a bitWhat kind of fish are in that tank, I see I think a Oscar and A Rbp but what else is in there, Do you have more picks of the fish?
Wow looks very cool tho, wicked fish cohab!yeah it is, You dont want to know the stocklist. Half the fish are hiding in this photo
Yeah Oscar, pacu that is 24inch. I really have more fish in there aswell. Ill post another FTS in a bit
Is that good thing? The space is good but aggression towards eachother will prlly be amplified, either way good job on keeping your guys healthy Bro! Love your shoalhttp://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?508621-Driftwood-vs-Bare-tank
The tank now is without the driftwood. My fishes love the open space and are becoming really aggressive.