• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Ok here is my tank. I know its small but i a got bigger one waiting for them

And here is my pacu tank. Doesnt look like that anymore since i moved it to my GF house. Building a new 400g tank where this use to stand
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here's a pic of the 75 (which he's in again, for good this time) where we'll be throwing up a partition, and putting our 2" on the other side, and when the baby grows, we'll have a neat display tank....he's in it by himself right now, until tomorrow.

This is his side so far, going to pick up more pink gravel for his side, blue for hers. With a pink skull for her, and a blue skull for him.
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I just recently moved them from a 29 into a 75. It's still not exactly how I'd like it but it's getting closer.

Sorry for the bad picture quality. Really wish I hadn't lost the memory card in my camera....

New House.jpg
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this is my 125 gal. tank for my 12 reds i know that when they grow up ill either have to get rid of a couple or get another tank but for now they are all just happy where they are. also this pic was taken BEFORE i put my reds in i might have some more pics once they grow and get some better color

the stand is not done yet it will all be painted black and have some nice molding on all the corners and i wish i would have bought a bigger feeder tank but the hell with it it works and i like it

ENJOY :popcorn:

by the way like my fantails :ROFL:




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Home of my 4 Red belly's, and 1 pleco.


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Finally a video of my Piraya. Of course he is doing nothing (stage fright)

He is in the 15,000 gallon tank video series #2 2/5 at the 7:15 area.
I bought him as a juvenile in 1997 from Oliver Lucanus and partner Sean. He was 2-3 inches. He is 13/14 " now in a 180.
Here is a pic of him but the video is better.

BOB WRIGHT april 2007 136.JPG
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