Just started building everything up again. Took my 80 Gallon tank to become the sump. 100 Gallon Display tank.
5 sections, Filter Sock with filter floss on the bottom, water goes under the divider and up through bio-balls, over a divider and down through ceramic rings.
last filter-section is still empty for now and ceramic and bio-balls will be added later.
After the last section, large return section where the pump connection has 2 large filter blocks to make sure all rubbish stays in the sump.
Then it goes to an external pump and is pumped into the display tank through 6 inlets.
Work in progress, lot of work to do, only small fish in the sump and 3 Chao Praya catfish (
Pangasius sanitwongsei) for grow-out in the display tank to get the filter started. The cats will go to my arapaima pond when big enough.
Will eventually become a planted tank..