Lets see what's in your stand! mechanical photo's

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Just started building everything up again. Took my 80 Gallon tank to become the sump. 100 Gallon Display tank.
5 sections, Filter Sock with filter floss on the bottom, water goes under the divider and up through bio-balls, over a divider and down through ceramic rings.
last filter-section is still empty for now and ceramic and bio-balls will be added later.
After the last section, large return section where the pump connection has 2 large filter blocks to make sure all rubbish stays in the sump.
Then it goes to an external pump and is pumped into the display tank through 6 inlets.
Work in progress, lot of work to do, only small fish in the sump and 3 Chao Praya catfish (Pangasius sanitwongsei) for grow-out in the display tank to get the filter started. The cats will go to my arapaima pond when big enough.

Will eventually become a planted tank..
My 12" young Aimara full tank shot, its resting behind some plants.


And the under....


2x Fluval G6 Advanced Filtration System.
Aquatop 450W Dual Digital Display.
Aqueon 700 Circulation.
Eheim Surface Skimmer.
2x HoB MARINELAND Emperor Power Filter.
Enjoyed this thread and what everyone posted (still not done reading lol). For me, what's underneath the stand is almost as much part of what this hobby is about than what's in the display tank. Contributing a few shots of underneath the stand for me.

~Tank and Sump


Close-up of sump
WP_20150719_007 (1).jpg

PVC Plumbing...Drains (from internal overflow), Return and Closed Loop Circulation...
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It was going to be a drip system but i didnt really like the way it worked so i just mounted a pump in the reservoir with a hose to the tank, and connected it to my apex reef controller. It basically changes 25 gallons of water twice a week.

Foam is for sound, same stuff you would see in a recording studio. The tank is in the wall that separates my living room and bedroom, so i needed it to be as quiet as possible. without doors and foam it ran at 72-74 DB which i couldnt sleep through, with foam and doors it runs at 32-34DB which is acceptable to me. I like a little noise when im sleeping keeps my brain from hearing every little noise the house makes.