Ran a little short on hose and figured what the hell if its a little less lift for the motor so be it. plus it should be absorbent enough for a minor leak I didn't think you guys would put me to shame so hard lol.
The only thing I like more than aquarium photo's is setup photos. Maybe I am just crazy. Lets see your sumps canisters timers air pumps and whatever else you got going on in your stand or setup that makes your aquarium as cool as it is. I will start This tank is a 55 gallon with a poly bichir
I know there are some sweet cleaner setups out there I want to see them
luckily I cleaned up alot of it hehe some zip ties for extra wire 2 bigger rena air pumps to replace my little ones for a ton of air out of my airstones in the tank etc etc its amazing how many plugs you end up needing in the end its like dayum nine things to plug in and I don't even have my power head up yet. for a 55 gallon too...
Not too sure about all that, but you got a super nice batch of Eheim love under there...
I like the design of your stand too...easy front access to install a Wet/Dry, kinda Ironic huh?
i live in socal so its always dry here...... the tank/stand is about 4" away from the wall.. nothing splashes.. all the scrubbies in the first chamberer keep the bubble pop splatter minimal... theres also a celing fan thats constantly on...
yes its a 20 long.. its for a 55gallon planted tank.. the homedepot pondpump in that pic died theres now a rio 14hf... scrubbies and 2 layers of air filter media.. its a lot like the bedding/filterfloss stuff..