Lets see what's in your stand! mechanical photo's

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

125 Gallon, Cascade 1000, Fluval 405, (3) AC 110's
ErikFromNJ;3102313; said:
125 Gallon, Cascade 1000, Fluval 405, (3) AC 110's

Nice, clean, and simple. I like it.
LowCel;3102848; said:
Nice, clean, and simple. I like it.

Thanks. I just got finished setting that up this past weekend. I got tired of having an octopus of wires under the cabinet. Now there is (2) surge protectors, everything is tagged & tied up. I lot more room now and boy I needed it! I'm going to stuff a hospital tank under there as well.
This thread has inspired me! I'm gonna have to clean and organize mine, its a mess down there.
Just got my salt tank going this weekend. Can easily see what's under the stand since it isn't skinned yet....LOL


DB junkie;3103422; said:
Just got my salt tank going this weekend. Can easily see what's under the stand since it isn't skinned yet....LOL
Very nice. And yeah this thread inspired me too I got a wire tuck for each side of the cabinet and hung up my surge suppresor and labeled each plug. Its a lot cleaner under my 90 now.
I can only justify "cleaning it up" after it's been tested and gets the seal of approval. Instead I usually end up smackin it with the "fail" stamp and improving/changing/altering. I've never got it right the first time, and even accept that. I've spent weeks planning and doing everything neatly and striving for perfection only to find that if there's not a good foundation for the system that no matter how neat you make it, it's still crap.

Trial and error. Test and tune.

There's all sorts of things I wanna change allready (allready stamped FAILed), but the goal was to just get it up and running which it is.....
lol wow , pretty serious. Thats respectable .
Serious is good IF you can maintain sanity long enough to end up with a finished product before saying screw it and changing completely....

One thing I always try to shoot for with filtration is short down times.... Being able to swap out media in a few minutes.... Otherwise I put stuff off, and procrastinate to the point that it gets "bad".

I used to run canisters but after opening one up and realizing what a mess I let them get to be because I procrastinate maintainance so much (due to them being a PITA to clean,) it's nothing but DIY filtration for me from now on.....

I think you should be able to swap out all the mechanical media in a monster sump/wet-dry in the same amount of time it takes to prime a Fluval 405.

I can't be the only one that's like this when it comes to filtration......

Man, the idea of a vortex settling chamber..... That's what I'm talking about.

Sorry Mr. Carswell I respect your thread. My derail is now over......
DB junkie;3103904; said:
Serious is good IF you can maintain sanity long enough to end up with a finished product before saying screw it and changing completely....

One thing I always try to shoot for with filtration is short down times.... Being able to swap out media in a few minutes.... Otherwise I put stuff off, and procrastinate to the point that it gets "bad".

I used to run canisters but after opening one up and realizing what a mess I let them get to be because I procrastinate maintainance so much (due to them being a PITA to clean,) it's nothing but DIY filtration for me from now on.....

I think you should be able to swap out all the mechanical media in a monster sump/wet-dry in the same amount of time it takes to prime a Fluval 405.

I can't be the only one that's like this when it comes to filtration......

Man, the idea of a vortex settling chamber..... That's what I'm talking about.

Sorry Mr. Carswell I respect your thread. My derail is now over......
No apologies necessary man . I am really anal about how quick I can swap stuff out of my canisters because I don't want any bio to die. I had never though about the ease of maintenance for sumps. Thanks for the post man really made me think about canisters I love them but I hate leaving crap in them for 2-3 months.