Lets see what's in your stand! mechanical photo's

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Deepsouth;3227774; said:
I just got off the phone with my instructor. I need to get back into the BJJ. I honestly haven't gone much since I received my Blue belt a few years back.
nice ! stick with it. Its the most challenging but deadly cage fighting martial art out there. I have been training at it for 5 years and my instructor says if I work just as hard another 5 years I can try out for my black belt :D That would be sweet.
l will be gutting this sump and moving it to my 135 soon. Works for now but I want/need to totally redo the filtration on this tank. Or just get a new tank...

Maybe I should move the grenade over to this set up and see if that helps! :naughty:

Full Tank 03.JPG

Nice! Sweet eheim classics. Those look like 2217 ?
Just FYI guys this thread got shot down as a sticky.. (They claimed it was not informational etc) Thought that was kind of weak but whatever.
sorry its not in the stand but hope this counts...

heres the filtration for my gulper cats 56 gallon 36'' X 18" X 20"

2 Ac110's with sponge in both, filled with Eheim substrat pro and Seachem Matrix!


Nice thanks for the 2 new setups guys! Awesome stuff. It doesn't neccesarily have to be in the stand as the thread suggests.
:) I even got a picture of my myriad of hoses and UV and AC110 lol its mostly a "lets see your equipment/setup" thread.
1850 gph on a 75 20 gal sump 100 biocube and 20 liters of aqua clay{carnt afford seacheam matrix atm} which on the packet says 280 m2 per liter so over a acre off surface area also have a 370 gph cannister with mainly foam and purigen and matrix carbon cannister also has a 15watt uv or somewhere around that wattage
