Lets see what's in your stand! mechanical photo's

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
This is my 135


Here's the gear


A bio-wheel drip system with 3 drawers full of Bio-balls and scrubbies and a Mag18 return pump, a Rena xp2 for polishing and a 10 gal hospital/grow out tank.

Wow awesome tank. I have the same wetdry and i just got an xp3 on my 60 gallon.... yes overkill,but I plan on upgrading to a 120

Eheim 2260 on a 20 gallon :D... crystal clear water, I must say I'm very satisfied :).

P.s. I got the 2260 on a clearance for $100 (and the 25/34 taps for $15, sadly they were all out of 16/22, so waiting for those at a normal price :/), so not a total overkill as any other decent filter would've cost me more :D.