Let's see your American cichlids

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Not a very good photo but I had to show them.
I got 4 wild exCichlasoma ornatum around 2 years ago.

There amazing cichlids and the most aggressive I've ever kept, they got so bad the first 3 basically killed each other and the final one I had didn't stop fighting everything. It ended up with a massive gash on its side that ended up getting bigger and bigger and he eventually died.

The one in the photo was the final one to die from the gash it had but boy did he have some yellow colouring going on towards the end and he was a HARD fish

Had to share

I'll share my two favorites.
My female green terror showing her teeth.

And my wc male green terror.
He's still a baby but growing fast. At least fast by gt standards. Lol
I'm really looking forward to the future with him.
Thank you, I will:)
My boy has his own thread already. I'm going to try and only do monthly updates now. When I'm ready to try raising fry I'll make them another thread. They have spawned twice now, but my female keeps eating them a few days after hatching:/ Just not ready yet I guess.