MKD Plecostomus MFK Member Oct 9, 2010 284 33 61 Garden Grove, CA Feb 3, 2011 #11 how many gallon tank are they in?
D dp.71 Feeder Fish MFK Member Nov 22, 2010 105 0 0 Alaska Feb 3, 2011 #12 Nice wilds ! wear did ya get em from?
jcardona1 Feeder Fish MFK Member Jun 5, 2007 11,491 40 0 42 South of Heaven Feb 3, 2011 #13 They're currently in a 57g, to be transferred to a 190g shortly. They came from a vendor here, Snookn (John).
They're currently in a 57g, to be transferred to a 190g shortly. They came from a vendor here, Snookn (John).
3dees Gambusia MFK Member May 23, 2010 669 10 16 Chicago suburb Feb 4, 2011 #14 here are my wilds. also from snookn21.
MKD Plecostomus MFK Member Oct 9, 2010 284 33 61 Garden Grove, CA Feb 4, 2011 #15 Dang, it's a nice tank and wood there.
LBathory Jack Dempsey MFK Member Mar 25, 2008 3,497 3 36 36 New Jersey Feb 4, 2011 #16 its weird but imo i always like looking at pictures of discus more than actually looking at them in person... weird right?
its weird but imo i always like looking at pictures of discus more than actually looking at them in person... weird right?
RD. Gold Tier VIP MFK Member May 9, 2007 13,493 13,574 3,360 65 Northwest Canada Feb 4, 2011 #17 3dees - incredible biotope set ups, I think the nicest that I have ever seen. Well done! Some recent pics from a local breeders fishroom - all raised on pellet food.
3dees - incredible biotope set ups, I think the nicest that I have ever seen. Well done! Some recent pics from a local breeders fishroom - all raised on pellet food.
M mitchkulis Jack Dempsey MFK Member May 26, 2009 99 17 38 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Feb 4, 2011 #18 how much should a pay for my discus if i buy
3dees Gambusia MFK Member May 23, 2010 669 10 16 Chicago suburb Feb 4, 2011 #19 depends on the size and type. domestic or wild? you can get them cheap from a lfs, but there is a high probability they will be stunted and/or sickly. good stock is the first priority.
depends on the size and type. domestic or wild? you can get them cheap from a lfs, but there is a high probability they will be stunted and/or sickly. good stock is the first priority.
3dees Gambusia MFK Member May 23, 2010 669 10 16 Chicago suburb Feb 4, 2011 #20 Jose, those gypsies are not going to make it in your tank. you'll have to ship them to