Lets Show Off those Polypterus!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
My favorite, most active of my Bichir Bichirs:

what kind of bichirs are those in the 1 and 5th pic lol
Dude ur delhezi is fat lol the girth lol

Those are rope fish, the closest relative to bichirs. Sorry I'm not very religious so it's difficult for me to explain evolution at your level. Trust me it's the closest relative and I thought they were cool pics so I added em ;) I did say there might be more pics than folks wanted to see. I figure more pics is better................
A couple of my Delhezi.
These two are getting it on every night now, so I am moving them to their own planted 90g this weekend.

Female CB:

Male WC:


I love his yellow!

Always horny!