Lets Show Off those Polypterus!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hello Joze; Yes I am back into the hobby of keeping Polypterus's again.
I currently have 9 in my collection.
4 Senegal's
1 Albino Senegal
2 Endlicheri's
1 Delhezi
1 Ornate

Sent from my GT-P5113 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App

i saw it man in one of the threads here its really nice man and i am amazed in your project tank that you combined a 3 tank and your collection was very nice thumbs up! :)

there is a thread on this in the main polypterus section, but as far as hybridization without using hormones it is very hard to different polypterus species, however since the albino is a senegal you could possibly get a normal male sen a breed it, but even then it is hard to actually breed them in home aquaria. It takes time and money to breed them. Nice Collection TomCat, and Welcome to the forum Joze :)

thank you dr.b :)