Lets Show Off those Polypterus!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Here we are, all four of my Senegals
This is their 'family photo' Top left is Vritra. top right is Ningishzida, or Nin for short. Bottom left is Apophis, or Apep for short. Bottom right is Rhaegal.
I've had Apep and Rhaegal for over half a year now. Top pics are Apep and Rhaegal now, bottom pics are the days I got them.
And these are Nin and Vritra the day we rescued them. They were in a lot worse shape than we thought, Callumarus worms and severely starved. After some heavy medicating, they are both as happy as can be!
And a very small story of Nin and Vri. Shortly after we got them home and they were ravenous and eating, Nin got in the way of Vri's food and lost most of his right fin. We nicknamed him Nemo (or Neem). He has a lucky fin now, but that doesn't stop him from darting around the grow out tank before he is big enough to join Vri, Apep, and Rhaegal in the 75 gal.
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