Lets Show Off those Polypterus!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Right now it’s at the 17” mark
Yep, it's my old fish. Good to see that it's doing well! Looks nice and dark.
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Reactions: rigby
Lovely stuff I am seeing! This thread has been running since I was 4 years old, damn. Polypterus are eternal I guess.

After all my losses a senegal was rehomed with me, so far so good!
@Hendre I never really liked the look of sens and I have two dels but after seeing yours Im reconsidering getting one as all of yours look amazing and seem so personable why is it you like the sens over other polys just curios
First and foremost, price haha. Sens are a quarter of the price of a del. They're also incredibly active which I enjoy. The only options available to me here are sens, dels, endli, ornate and lapradei, and my tank space is only ideal for the first two.
@Hendre I saw one of your posts were you had your sens with Xenomystus nigri did this work out in the long run looking to do a african biotope / oddball tank with a 75g with two dels were the Xenomystus nigri eating fine and geting enough food?
Yeah I had no issues. Given enough cover the knives get comfy and eat well. The social dynamics are weird and when one died the rest got punchy almost immediately. I need to try them again someday, but they do fine with polys