Lets Show Off those Polypterus!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Really wow. Yes I seen a few at fs but not lately plus acrylic is better I prefer over glass
It depends on the application for me, i Ike the look of acrylic better for freshwater, but I like the look of a low iron rimless for salt. Plus I like that glass doesn’t need the entire bottom supported, it makes finding stands easier, i do like the seamless look and lighter weight of acrylics too.
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Nice, wish mine would grow that fast, only grown about an inch since the early December but has gotten much thicker, it’s around 5-51/2” tho

that will happen before they get length IMO. I thought my pike ate my ornate (4 inches) in early December/late November, turns out he got himself behind the background of the tank. Never saw him again until I tore it out and he was about 6 inches but much thicker. I was shocked but I think it’s because I didn’t see him everyday. I would compare an old photo you might be surprised