Lets Show Off those Polypterus!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Very nice bichirs everyone.........these fish are great!:grinyes:
Here's a few shots of mine......kinda dark, but I hate the flash.

First, the senegalus:




Next, the Palmas polli:



Then, the palmas beuttikoferi:


Finally, the delhezi:


Oh, & here's a tank shot where they all live in harmony with an african knife, a pair of butterfly fish, a pair of Synodontis flavitaeniatus & a pair of leopard Ctenopoma:

Awesome fish and great pictures! How big is your beut? And what’s your tank set up?
CDM... you got your mokelembembe from Toyin? me too :)

the colors on mine look quite different then yours though. i wonder if it is a locale varient or just the difference in substrate enhancing colors. yours seem to be quite brown, while mine has more green.

here is a couple pics of mine. the last pic is after i recieved him from the airport...right out of the bag.

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Appreciate those moke pics! I don’t see them as often