Lighting a Planted Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
so im a little confused by all of this. i have a 130 gallon tank that im trying to plant it came with 2 20watt 24" bulbs. judging from what ive read these are no where near what i need right? if i wanted to do some low level lighting plants like hornwort and maybe some java fern what lighting might i need? sorry if this question sounds stupid. im a beginner and just trying to learn
Oh boy. Still a bit confused. In what category would Coralife dual T5HO fixtures spanning my 125 gallon (72x18x21) put me? Just to be clear, it is two 36" fixtures put across the tank. Each fixture has two bulbs. Please help.
I have a 10 gallon with a 20" odyssea T5ho light fixture on top. There are two bulbs fixed atop and it is at the top of the tank. Is it too much light?
I have a 10 gallon with a 20" odyssea T5ho light fixture on top. There are two bulbs fixed atop and it is at the top of the tank. Is it too much light?

I'd say it is without co2. A single t8 bulb on a 10 is low, 2 t8's are medium. Just to give you an idea.
Heck, I think a single T5HO is considered high light on a 10 gallon.
I'd say it is without co2. A single t8 bulb on a 10 is low, 2 t8's are medium. Just to give you an idea.
Heck, I think a single T5HO is considered high light on a 10 gallon.

Yeah, it is without co2. Though I did just buy a co2 booster. I'll disconnect one of the bulbs and gauge whether I see any algae growth.

I can not hang the light, but I may be able to figure out some other ways of suspending the light above the tank.
another good idea is to just block the light with like, window screens

Okay thanks, never really considered that.
At the moment with 1 light, I'm still high light. I'm going to dose daily with a co2 booster and twice a week with seachem flourish.
I'll gauge how it's doing for a while, if I need to, I'll use some screening material to block off some light.

Fairly accurate representation of what the tank looks like at the moment.
Just trimmed down the DHG

Probably get some red cherry shrimp in there within the next couple weeks.
Okay thanks, never really considered that.
At the moment with 1 light, I'm still high light. I'm going to dose daily with a co2 booster and twice a week with seachem flourish.
I'll gauge how it's doing for a while, if I need to, I'll use some screening material to block off some light.

Fairly accurate representation of what the tank looks like at the moment.
Just trimmed down the DHG

Probably get some red cherry shrimp in there within the next couple weeks.

Fish produce co2 as well so that may help. Ime Dwarf hairgrass is very hard to fully carpet without bright light and INJECTED co2! Imo it will look that way for awhile unless you grab a gas rig and start dissolving it into the h2o!

But cool looking :)

×Go S. Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title× <GET BETTER SCHUMI>
Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:
Fish produce co2 as well so that may help. Ime Dwarf hairgrass is very hard to fully carpet without bright light and INJECTED co2! Imo it will look that way for awhile unless you grab a gas rig and start dissolving it into the h2o!

But cool looking :)

×Go S. Vettel #1 Infiniti Redbull! 4x WDC!!! Congrats on another flawless title× <GET BETTER SCHUMI>
Cheap way to decrease nitrates and keep your fish healthy:

Actually, I've had it carpet without co2, just takes a buttload of time and patience.

I do recommend learning about proper co2 systems though, I prefer the high tech side of the hobby (but I have seen some super lush low tech tanks)

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