Hey ,
I got some serrasalmus rhombeus for a few weeks... I know that this fish not a fast grower is... Can someboy tell what you food , and what i can do to let hem grow faster.. I feed him all day many times... Thanks for help...
I have 5 wild caught pygo natts in a 114g breeder tank with 2 pleco's including a 55g long with a peruvian serrasalmus elongatus sharing with a RRS still not sure if its a certain cf. to this particular one but the top portion of his body is purple. He sure is a beauty though very active with bloody red eyes and a monster.
I have 5 RBPs and 2 cariba, all about 3-4".
Tank is 143usg, filtered by Fluval Fx5, JBL 1501, eheim 2213 with a 36W UV-C, and a eheim 2252 for circulation.
Maybe started out with too many rbps but people told me they were going to get cannibalistic, all still alive.