• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Lungfish tank setup?

Lungfish are quite easy to care for. They don't need much.

Just provide places to hide and the right water conditions.
Thanks for the comment. I visited Shanghai Public Aquarium lately and kind of interested of lungfish tank set-up.

I keep a small Protopterus aethiopicus (Marbled African Lungfish). Is it true that to use dark/black substrate will help to bring out its color and marking?
THANKS. :D :grinyes:
Thanks for all the comments, finally set-up my 3ft tank for Marble Lungfish. :frog: :shark:


Stunning display Star!....I like the spray fall...
got a few questions.
What is your filter system?
Do you have a heater attached to your set-up?
How long is your ALF?
And has your ALF jumped out of the tank yet?
Stunning display Star!....I like the spray fall...
got a few questions.
What is your filter system?
Do you have a heater attached to your set-up?
How long is your ALF?
And has your ALF jumped out of the tank yet?
Hi, thanks for the kind compliment. :thumbsup:
I use Eheim Pro II 2026 for this 3ft tank and no heater attached as I live in hot climate country in Singapore.
This Marble lungfish is about 1ft now and never jump out of the tank yet but I cover the tank just in case. ;)
I kept a 29 inch annectens in a stock tank for awhile and had to cover it as he kept trying to carpet crawl around the room. He's a beast but one of my favorite fish, eats anything. I tried keeping him in a 75 when he was smaller but he flipped his driftwood around, shoved rocks around and heaped up gravel where ever he felt like it.

I like your set up, i'll have to try that with my new P dolli i just got.

Nice looking pattern on the fish as well.

Great tank set-up, that really looks great ! I hear that Lungfish are almost like puppies and have lots of personality?, Look for Darth lung fish , he has have some cool ones too. Hey. LAkemonster do collect godzilla ? I used to have a pretty nice collection of G-stuff myself,
I kept a 29 inch annectens in a stock tank for awhile and had to cover it as he kept trying to carpet crawl around the room. He's a beast but one of my favorite fish, eats anything. I tried keeping him in a 75 when he was smaller but he flipped his driftwood around, shoved rocks around and heaped up gravel where ever he felt like it.

I like your set up, i'll have to try that with my new P dolli i just got.

Nice looking pattern on the fish as well.

Hi Jason, thanks for the comment.
I didn't know lungfish produces a lot of waste and therefore cleaning is quite a hardwork on this kind of set up. When LF grows bigger, may consider to go barebottom tank and no decoration.
Notice that this fella swim a lot and very very active at night.
Also, I normally change water twice in a week and each time about 50%. Is this good for lungfish based on your experience ?