Thanks for the comment. I visited Shanghai Public Aquarium lately and kind of interested of lungfish tank set-up.Lungfish are quite easy to care for. They don't need much.
Just provide places to hide and the right water conditions.
Thanks for the comment. I visited Shanghai Public Aquarium lately and kind of interested of lungfish tank set-up.Lungfish are quite easy to care for. They don't need much.
Just provide places to hide and the right water conditions.
Hi, thanks for the kind compliment.Stunning display Star!....I like the spray fall...
got a few questions.
What is your filter system?
Do you have a heater attached to your set-up?
How long is your ALF?
And has your ALF jumped out of the tank yet?
Hi Jason, thanks for the comment.I kept a 29 inch annectens in a stock tank for awhile and had to cover it as he kept trying to carpet crawl around the room. He's a beast but one of my favorite fish, eats anything. I tried keeping him in a 75 when he was smaller but he flipped his driftwood around, shoved rocks around and heaped up gravel where ever he felt like it.
I like your set up, i'll have to try that with my new P dolli i just got.
Nice looking pattern on the fish as well.