What an awesome day. I finally got to meet my "idol" the trust ! Now ,Ive known jed for years but this is the first time weve met in person ! I also got to meet with Dmack and IMFH ..cool bunch of guys , thanks for dropping by ! .
We also got to go to ECZS again and finally to Michaels where we got to check out his collection. Overall, it was a great day for the hobby . Thanks to George for giving us a generous discount and letting our members crowd the aisles of his store.
Special thanks to Ming, Li, Tainted Glory, Joel and his bro ( i always forget your name ,sorry !) , Michael,Rayman45 and Jeff, Nic and his friend for taking the time off today to meet with us. Majority of us went home with a new fish of course. ...
Jed and Neo , Post the pics !