I dont know man, looks like a female or a not yet mature male albino or super red bristlenose.Maybe an albino gibbiceps but my money is on albino or super red bristlenose. Its probably a super red bristle nose which turn out to be real incredible looking plecos.
None of the fish in the tank had any bristles of any kind, there were some bristlenoses in the store of varying kinds and even the small males were tellable. I`m no bristlenose expert though and even so I`m happy with it whatever it may be lol its very orange
That is awesome I had no idea such a thing existed, Right now its in my 120 hiding in a big pile of rocks all day. When I set up a 50 gal in a few weeks I`ll move him into there.
Looks just like what I have, I guess the mystery of the ID is over then haha thanks a lot guys
Def bristlenose pleco. Bristles dont develop until they get larger and only males get them. Also doesnt have the traditional spotting and white trimmed fin because of color morph