Mangrove Jack Growout

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
He's a bloody cracker mate! Such good conditioning. What do you feed Terry? aussi aussie aussie. oi oi oi!
Thanks mate, I love just sitting there watching him cruise around.
I just feed him raw seafood products bought from a deli or fish co-op.
Whole raw prawns (usually banana or just regular green prawns), cut up squid, mussels, cut up fish fillets (whatever is on special).
I add a bit of Boyd’s Vitachem aswell just to supplement the food but it doesn’t really soak into fish products so I don’t know how much it actually does predominantly just going into the water column. No harm done trying anyway.

Gotta love an Aussie predator!!! 🤙😍
Bloody oath mate! He’s a healthy lookin Aussie predator so not sure the supplements matter tbh 👍🏼