it was a toss up between 2 and 6 but 6 got me. i love the placement of the air bubbles and the 2 huge rocks... basic pbass tanks are the way to go. if 7 would of gave a better front veiw i'm sure it would of got my vote.
Peter Mizzi;2925562; said:Try a black background as it will give the tank more depth and show your plants off a lot better IMO
lolhairdog;2933724; said:two rocks a stump and a fake plant is running away with tank of the month
ok im not sure how to cover the filter?Maduro;2928630; said:One thing that will help the look of your tank is hiding the equipment. You'll see a quick improvement as the hardware becomes one less thing detracting from your fish and plants.
k ill tryMaduro;2936705; said:Figure out some sort of vertical elements / structure to hide the tube (plants, rock, wood). Also, don't keep your algae scraper and clip in there when not in use. please keep in mind I think your tank is cool as is and am only offering these suggestions based on your question. Lots of folks get away with just leaning a piece of wood against the corner in front of the filter.