Dear #9:
I can not tell what it is stocked with, or if it is salt or freshwater, but I applaud you for your aquascape. Since I am not sure what it is stocked with, I went with the beauty of the scape. May I suggest aome Neon Tetras for it, or maybe African Cichlids, depending on the tank size. Great entries, but have never seen anything like this one.
Dear #10:
I love your fish! That Aro is beautiful! Though not scaped, it is beautiful! I love the bichirs, but I went with #9. You would've been my 3rd choice if it wasn't for...
Dear #2,
I love it! I love the 2 plants on the side are flowing, and the Marimo Moss Ball floor is sweet! The rocks compliment everything, and the sand is a great color! I don't know what the fish are, but everything else is great!