Meet “Lemon Pie” the Midas, etc.cichlid

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Happy new year everyone! Thought I’d post a few pics of Lemmie. He caught the light really well the other day. Just went through his first Pon Farr. Thought he was going to go insane, but it passed. He’s about 6” now I’d say. Growing about an “1 a month since I first got him.
The black he had earlier was the hide me I'm a baby colors dieing off and being replaced by his adult coloration, fading for short.
Great looking fellow, can't wait for his 12in I am a Monster pics. LOL
Ode to the Citrinellus,

I see it in your eyes
Take one look and die
The only thing you see
You know it's gonna be
The Ace of Spades
~ Lemmie (Motorhead, Hawkwind)