Meet Tina the Terror! (GTC)

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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Aug 8, 2018
I might make this a growth journal. Let's hope I can actually make this thread into a' journal', I'm really inconsistent.

Here's the background info on Tina as of right now:

What she eats: freeze-dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, and live guppy fry. I'm going to go buy some hikari cichlid gold in an hour or two.

Where she resides: a 20 gallon long tank for now, I'm moving in a day or two so I can't set up a 55 for her.

Her roommates: 2 Zebra Danio, 4 bristlenose plecos, and an assassin snail, the bristlenose will be distributed among a 29, and 55. I will up the Zebra school to 10 once I get the 29.

How long she's been with me: 6 days

Now for the good part! Here are the pictures of her day 1 compared to day 5! (it's too early for me to turn the light on to take a pic, she'll get stressed out and she won't look as pretty.)

IMG_8575.JPG IMG_8576.JPG IMG_8626.JPG IMG_8627.JPG
Looking better for sure, really starting to color up. Good luck!
UPDATE: Oh my god. I almost lost Tina. I was chillin in the other room and I decided to check up on my fish. Tina was nowhere to be found. I looked all over the place and I found her, dry as a mummy behind all my fish food. I was about to scream. Until, I saw her gasp for air. I quickly plopped her back into the tank. Right now she's in one of her infamous craters. She moves every now and then but I can see her breathing a tiny bit.

I'm looking at the tank right now and she's not moving from her spot, but she's still diggin like always!
Good find man! Let's hope she pulls thru ok!
Sadly it seems like she thinks this is my fault, every time I get close to check up on her she swims away very fast.

She does have the same color as before. She is now in her crater. doing nothing. well, other than breathing and the occasional 'fin seizure' as I like to call it (fins go spastic for like 2 seconds.)
She'll be alright. My female has jumped out at least 3 time while i was gone and she damn near died. A week later she spawned with my male.

Every tank i own came without a lid, currently in the process of cutting lids out of the rigid pink foam from Home Depot. I just cut them to fit, cut access holes as needed, and spray paint them black. Cheap n easy and looks good.
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She'll be alright. My female has jumped out at least 3 time while i was gone and she damn near died. A week later she spawned with my male.

Every tank i own came without a lid, currently in the process of cutting lids out of the rigid pink foam from Home Depot. I just cut them to fit, cut access holes as needed, and spray paint them black. Cheap n easy and looks good.
The previous owner had her jump from like 3 ft. up with no scratches, I believe she'll be okay, plus she just ate like 7 cichlid gold pellets in less than a minute 30.

I might look into making lids like that..