I might make this a growth journal. Let's hope I can actually make this thread into a' journal', I'm really inconsistent.
Here's the background info on Tina as of right now:
What she eats: freeze-dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, and live guppy fry. I'm going to go buy some hikari cichlid gold in an hour or two.
Where she resides: a 20 gallon long tank for now, I'm moving in a day or two so I can't set up a 55 for her.
Her roommates: 2 Zebra Danio, 4 bristlenose plecos, and an assassin snail, the bristlenose will be distributed among a 29, and 55. I will up the Zebra school to 10 once I get the 29.
How long she's been with me: 6 days
Now for the good part! Here are the pictures of her day 1 compared to day 5! (it's too early for me to turn the light on to take a pic, she'll get stressed out and she won't look as pretty.)

Here's the background info on Tina as of right now:
What she eats: freeze-dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, and live guppy fry. I'm going to go buy some hikari cichlid gold in an hour or two.
Where she resides: a 20 gallon long tank for now, I'm moving in a day or two so I can't set up a 55 for her.
Her roommates: 2 Zebra Danio, 4 bristlenose plecos, and an assassin snail, the bristlenose will be distributed among a 29, and 55. I will up the Zebra school to 10 once I get the 29.
How long she's been with me: 6 days
Now for the good part! Here are the pictures of her day 1 compared to day 5! (it's too early for me to turn the light on to take a pic, she'll get stressed out and she won't look as pretty.)