lmk if you do, I'll need it with 2 paradise fish, a GT, and two bettas.I might just put together a quick How To thread on these foam lids. Super easy to make.
lmk if you do, I'll need it with 2 paradise fish, a GT, and two bettas.I might just put together a quick How To thread on these foam lids. Super easy to make.
I heard they grow 1" every 3-4 months, so with that slow growth rate I think I can squeeze a few spawns in so they can get the hang of it. I'll talk a bit with my lfs about GTs and if they're willing to give some credit beforehand.If still small, it could work. Just make sure you have places she can fit and not him. To get a bit of peace time away from him. Cichlids take a go or few to get it down right. So don't expect sellable fry the first go.
75 is a better than a 55 to try this in due to it's 18in width rather than 12. But I wouldn't try if the fish are bigger than 8in. Getting to big for amount of space available.
When I got mine she was bigger around 4.5in and in a tank with male's. So probably made the eggs when with them. She would drop like 10, eat them over and over till all were gone.
On my next trip to the lfs I'll pick up either hornwort, duckweed, or water lettuce. If the duckweed gets to be too much, I'll add the excess into other tanks until they're all full (I'll do that straw thing that leaves room for feeding). If I get to the point where my tanks get full on the surface, I'll put all of the duckweed into a small container with old tank water and I'll leave it out or something.It seems she likes the cover the uprooted plants give, see if maybe you can find a surface floating plant. May stop her from ripping up the others. See how she is hiding in the mess of roots and such.