Members Photo

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Crispy LOL
Crispy;3324819; said:
Here's me with a 9lbs channel cat from a few weeks back... yeah, I know, I'm pretty crispy in the picture also... lol

You have a nice crispyness to you tho..... although I would have thought more soggy due to the catfish...:grinno:
Crispy;3324819; said:
Here's me with a 9lbs channel cat from a few weeks back... yeah, I know, I'm pretty crispy in the picture also... lol
very nice pic Crispy:D
fishmamma;3325245; said:
Hey Drew...crispy THIS!!! gotta say it with enthusiasm...:D
What daffy mamma big time
No way a girl as good looking as you could be into fish. Until I see a pic of you kissing a printout of my avatar, I call BS....;)