Members Photo

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
At my wedding with all three of my kids(I was pregnant with twins :headbang2)

A more recent shot. See a fish tank in the background? :headbang2
One week ago I fell about 12' hiking down to a waterfall. My downward descent was stopped by large rocks and boulders. Miserable hike back to the car, then a 1 hr ride to the nearest ER. 11 hrs in the ER, but only because there were a lot of people worse off than me.


Multiple contusions and severely bruised ribs. Could have been much worse--could have broken my neck or cracked my skull. They said it appeared my head was going to hit a large boulder.

Two more weeks in a splint then back to orthopedic surgeon for new x-rays. Completely out of commission with very limited use of my hand.

Summer always derails my fishroom project. Four full ballasts and also ten bags of sand double wrapped in contractor garbage bags for an additional 500 pounds of weight in the boat = bigger wake to surf on. No sand in the fish tank--just on the boat. Sand bags work better than extra fat sacks on the seats, since they can be moved to either side to accommodate regular and goofy footed surfers. They are also better than extra people as sand bags don't need a turn behind the boat. (more wake time for us)


All my fingers are messed up. Tape em together :headbang2 you will be fine in a couple weeks :)

I earn my livelihood with my hands. I need a fully functional hand for dentistry. If it had been toes, or a foot or leg, I'd be able to work. This finger has to heal properly, or I'm looking at retirement.
I earn my livelihood with my hands. I need a fully functional hand for dentistry. If it had been toes, or a foot or leg, I'd be able to work. This finger has to heal properly, or I'm looking at retirement.

Crap, that sux. I'm a cave man, not important if fingers are straight. Get well soon and keep the updates coming on that awesome tank of yours :)
One week ago I fell about 12' hiking down to a waterfall. My downward descent was stopped by large rocks and boulders. Miserable hike back to the car, then a 1 hr ride to the nearest ER. 11 hrs in the ER, but only because there were a lot of people worse off than me.

Whoa! That's pretty gnarly PMom! I fell 18' while rock-climbing in Cuba, landed on a "small" (about the size of a child) rock wedged between to "large" (mac truck sized) boulders. The smaller rock shifted, breaking my fall (as well as one of the outside bones of my foot) and I walked (well limped/hopped) away with pretty minor injuries (broken foot, missing finger-tips and cuts/scrapes. It was a looong hike all the way back to our ship, but I felt very lucky just like I imagine you do!
