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the mfk women felt neglected with the new girl's 1000 posts.... and they are just as cute, so I'm puttin this post in to keep it goin until we hit 15 pages or so talking about puffergirl and her hat.
this is also considered asskissing to get good puffer info among other info from our knowledgable girls. consider your asses kissed.
if you look in my gallery, I wear a boston red sox hat with the nastiest sweat stains.. I'm also in a mosh pit, which didnt help the sweat stain factor... so I am in no position to make fun of a hat.
What? The Rastafarian hat?
puffer_girl said:
Although, you know you want to comment about the hat and are holding back...... Darn hat anyways.....

Rallysb1tch is quite the hooker too!

not like THAT guys!!!
She plays with crochet hooks.
and knitting sticks.
and carrys a bag with her crochet hooks and yarn that says "Hooker" on the side.
rallysman said:
Rallysb1tch is quite the hooker too!

not like THAT guys!!!
She plays with crochet hooks.
and knitting sticks.
and carrys a bag with her crochet hooks and yarn that says "Hooker" on the side.


Oh well better that kinda Hooker!! My bf's mom bought my bf a hook hanger for his door to hang stuff on (yes we are still tiny to alot of you we live at our home's haha) and then she looks over to us and goes "I bought you a hooker" ... I about died laughing... so ne who

Puffergirl you have a french look..... but I think its cool! I always wanted a hat... (yes I am being serious) I ve always been hat neclected...
I like the hat, Ash needs a kepi.