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  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
They had everything in there....rays, sharks, bonet heads, triggers, groupers...etc... They had fishes that I never seen before!! I dont know all the exotics and rare fishes when it comes to saltwater but it was the BEST set up Ive ever seen!!! I'm not talking about rare saltwater fishes like Gold puffers or Hawaiian Dragon eels....I know the rare and exotic salt stuff I see at LFS once in a while....I mean rare and exotic stuff that Ive never seen before...and those fishes blew me away!!!
Aimhigher38 said:
This is me.... this pic was taken at the Atlantis hotel and Casino in the Bahamas...They had walls made out of fish tanks....walls and walls of fishtanks connectioned together!!! It was totally an AWESOME sight!!!
I want all of my walls converted into tanks. :hearts: