M. S. i had a green terror mated pair about 7 years ago. the female was a beast. i had other fish in the tank with them and i feel that was a mistake, i will not make that mistake again, they were beautiful. I always wanted Festae so this was my chance. I have 3 i purchased form Tangled up in Cichlids and one from a local dealer (ordered it for me), needless to say i believe the one from the local shop may not be a Festae, something is a little off with that one, it looks a bit different than the others.No problem! Good luck with that tank! What about Green Terrors? Or Red Texas Cichlids?
WOW he looks great!!! thanks for the iinfo.For perspective on growth, this solo male of mine is 6 years old and was kept in a 125 by himself. He is between 13-14 inches. I think a 125 works.
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I also believe a 125 could work for a long time for a pair (no other fish).
But if they actually reach full potential something larger might be needed.
It may be advisable to add a divider with an escape space large enough for the female to get thru, but too small for the male, if he gets too rambunctious.
Might also be a good idea to get more than 2, to start with, males will often kill off a few females before settling in on a comparable one.
Just because you get a male and females, doesn't they will be acceptable to each other.
Yes it is. My buddy breeds Festae in 90 gallons with lots of caves for the female to hide from the male when he gets to aggressive and she isn’t ready to spawn. He had 3 pairs at one time all spawning. The big pair where the female was 8-9 inches and the male was much bigger was breeding in a 90 gallon and reproducing every 6 weeks. With 50% water changes 2-3 times a week.I am asking if a 125 is adequate enough for a Festae Pair. thanks in advance
Yes it is. My buddy breeds Festae in 90 gallons with lots of caves for the female to hide from the male when he gets to aggressive and she isn’t ready to spawn. He had 3 pairs at one time all spawning. The big pair where the female was 8-9 inches and the male was much bigger was breeding in a 90 gallon and reproducing every 6 weeks. With 50% water changes 2-3 times a week.
So yes, 125 with lots of hiding spots or caves the male can’t get into.