Methods to Break Rays to New/Other Foods

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After reading everything I'm still kinda blurr... I know the method but I don't know what foods will the rays accept and what foods should I soak...

like this:
Allow overnight marinate/soaking for smelts or silver sides with Shrimp. This method works for clams, cockles, and mussels.

I don't know which one is to be soaked and what to soak them in...

And how do you stuff pellets into worms??
BenSow;4563975; said:
After reading everything I'm still kinda blurr... I know the method but I don't know what foods will the rays accept and what foods should I soak...

like this:
Allow overnight marinate/soaking for smelts or silver sides with Shrimp. This method works for clams, cockles, and mussels.

I don't know which one is to be soaked and what to soak them in...

And how do you stuff pellets into worms??
I think he means let the food soak in water.. but not sure.

The worms and pellets you should probably chop and mix,
BenSow;4563975; said:
After reading everything I'm still kinda blurr... I know the method but I don't know what foods will the rays accept and what foods should I soak...

like this:
Allow overnight marinate/soaking for smelts or silver sides with Shrimp. This method works for clams, cockles, and mussels.

I don't know which one is to be soaked and what to soak them in...

Everyone should know what their rays are currently consuming prior to purchasing. A good rule of thumb is to have them (supplier, fish store, and etc.) feed the rays to make sure they are eating before taking them home. Also it is worthwhile to try and extract more information to find out any other food items they were feeding it. Using the existing information you can start to feed it other types of food using the soaking method.

If you were unable to obtain the information, it is really just trial and error but worms have 80-90% success rate.

As with the portion that you quoted from the original post, it assumes that the ray is already eating shrimp - substitute it for any other food item it is already consuming.

BenSow;4563975; said:
And how do you stuff pellets into worms??

Cut it in half and shove it into the larger types of worms like night crawlers.

Not for the squeamish.
Just wondering, what did you eman by stuffing shrimp? do you mean stuffing market shrimp? or did you mean small shrimp like ghosts?
gazelle;4662758; said:
Just wondering, what did you eman by stuffing shrimp? do you mean stuffing market shrimp? or did you mean small shrimp like ghosts?

I intended it to mean stuffing market shrimp (dead). You can try to stuff ghost shrimp... I'd imagine it would be kinda hard... lol.
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great write-up :thumbsup:
my rays are currently on bloodworms, earth worms and krill.

what do you guys suggest I try next?
Great info. Got a pair yesterday, but they only feed on shrimps. I want them to eat the Hikari Carnivore so will try to stuff some pellets on the shrimps body. They are little bit young for starving and hesitant to do it.
For the past 7 months, I've been feeding my stingray blackworms and ghost shrimp, not the cheapest diet. I tried shrimp a month back with no luck. I tried again today after skipping his morning meal and he ate brilliantly. I still will feed black worms for a treat and for other fish like an elephant nose, but for his main diet I'm moving to shrimp. I guess my next goal should be pellets? For now, does he need another nutritional source other than frozen shrimp and live black worms?

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