• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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whoa whoa whoa!! We were supposed to PM yesterday to get one? AGHHH! I pmed you the first day you opened this thread....thought I was already in. I didn't get a PM yesterday...:(...does this mean I'm not gettin one? Bugga...:(
Peanut_Power said:
whoa whoa whoa!! We were supposed to PM yesterday to get one? AGHHH! I pmed you the first day you opened this thread....thought I was already in. I didn't get a PM yesterday...:(...does this mean I'm not gettin one? Bugga...:(

Wehn unsure just PM again :) We'll catch it anyways if ita a duplicate request
Oh well...too late now....just look at the first page of this proof i sent a PM....i also informed like three other peeps about it as well....
just wondering are both decasl the same or is one especially made for cars? I want to put both on my tanks.
neoprodigy said:
please pm your name and address to Monster Maximus

First 200 MFK members (member with 5 post+) will get FREE and SHIPPED

MFK Member will received

1 MFK bracelet
1 MFK decal for car
1 MFK decal for tank

the decals won't leave the sticky stuff if you decide to move them....

International Members get FREE!!

SGP members : click this link


Tank Decal


Car Decal


there's nothing mentined of when, it said the first 200, and I PM'ed at
08-13-2005 MFK BRACELET and DECALS
07:50 AM Monster Maximus
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