MFK GARMY - Report Thyne Gar

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Gar Totals:

e_americanus: 63 (15 @ home, 48 @ labs)
RedDwarf: 14
xander: 6
Connor: 6
Madding: 5 (+2 incoming)
Lepistoseus platyrhincus: 4
jsodwi: 4
Wiggles92: 3
LBathory: 2 (for sale!)
sbuse: 1
And now we know who to pester for pictures... bwhahaa
I have lost double digit gars in the past couple months since my built in deck pond experiment and general stupidity. I'm still learning! The uber tough survivors of their keepers retardation:

90G (standard dimensions)

2 x Alligator Gar (one is 6" - 7" range, and the other is about an inch or two larger)

Main Diet:
Cut Squid,
Fresh Fish Fillets (Mullet, Tilapia, White Bass, Butterfish, Spot, Trout & Pollock)
Market Shrimp
Silversides (Thawed)
Bay Scallop

Extremely rare that they eat live feeders due to a tankmate (Red Bay Snook 12") that can hold a half a dozen in his mouth at a time!

Other tankmates:
Albino Senegal Bichir (4") <== less then a month
African Black/ Brown? knife (8") <== Last week
Convict Cichlid (5") <== Many months now (entire lives since ownership)
Hi Fin Pleco (6") Many months now (entire lives since ownership)

20G Long (Growout tank)

1 x Longnose Gar (4") <== I originally ordered 10 baby LNG's - sole survivor

Main Diet:
Rosey Red Minnows
Glass Shrimp

Other tankmates:
Clown Knife (3")
Jaguar Cichlid (1.5")
Silver Dollar (3")
2x Black Catfish (0.25") <== Seems to enjoy eating these - not intended as food

Outdoor Deck Pond (160G growout) ==>
- I have a farm pond that has many natural spring feeds both above ground and under water. Roughly oval between 100' - 150'. I had diverted spring feeds to the stream, drained and dredged to 15' deep around 7 years ago. This is the eventual home of all of my Gars. (Channel Catfish and Bowfin also!)

1 x Longnose Gar (18")
1 x Florida Gar (12")

(Same as the Gator Gars) In addition:
Live Feeder fish (Blue Gill Fry & Goldfish)
Earth Worms
Any bugs that hit the surface of the water are extremely quickly devoured!)

Pond Mates:
1 x Albino Channel Catfish (9" - 10" range)
1 x Hi Fin Pleco (6" - 7" range)
3 x Bowfin (7" - 9+" range)
Every experiment must havr results! Kudos for trying and changing your methods as you go along... ^
Gar Totals:

e_americanus: 63 (15 @ home, 48 @ labs)
RedDwarf: 14
xander: 6
Connor: 6
Madding: 5 (+2 incoming)
screaminleeman: 5
Lepistoseus platyrhincus: 4
jsodwi: 4
Wiggles92: 3
LBathory: 2 (for sale!)
sbuse: 1
Normally stay away from these posts but here is a quick rundown.. Just pet fish:

1 gator
2 Cuban
6 Tropical

2 shortnose
12 longnosed
6 spotted
6 Florida

Not sure how to handle joint operated Lab fish... Solomon works with them far more than me so I guess we will keep them in his corner. I do however very much see some of them as my fish as well as this long and involved project has had both of us involved for a very long time.
Gar Totals:

Pejelajarto: 83 (35 @ home, 48 @ labs)
e_americanus: 63 (15 @ home, 48 @ labs)
RedDwarf: 14
xander: 6
Connor: 6
Madding: 5 (+2 incoming)
screaminleeman: 5
Lepistoseus platyrhincus: 4
jsodwi: 4
Wiggles92: 3
LBathory: 2 (for sale!)
sbuse: 1
I opted to add the research gar into both of your totals. If you would prefer it one way or the other just give me a shout.
10" florida gar.

living in 130(72" X 18.5" X 22") gal filtered by two eheim 2028 and two AC110. tankmates include: jardini arowana, and 6 bichirs.

eating silver sides and market prawns every d

30-40% WC every Sunday.

minimal decorations
