MFK Meet: Seattle Summer '11!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
A 13 year old thread opened up just to be hijacked. Kind of funny. :) In a way this thread is now click-bait. I was hoping there was a meeting coming up in the Seattle area. :)
Tysm! Relatively new fish keeper myself, in the Redmond area. Recently was able to pick up a 180 Gallon acrylic, trying to figure out if I should go with a frontosa/Tanganikya colony or what other directions I can take. Would be cool to meet up sometime and check out some other setups !
Tysm! Relatively new fish keeper myself, in the Redmond area. Recently was able to pick up a 180 Gallon acrylic, trying to figure out if I should go with a frontosa/Tanganikya colony or what other directions I can take. Would be cool to meet up sometime and check out some other setups !
Frontosa/ Tang colony sounds awesome! If you’re interested in meeting others on your area, create a post about it and see
I am remodeling my house and going to get into aquarium's and fish maybe both fw / sw 🧓👍😁 I was trying to ask if I could use epoxy resin instead of fiberglass resin for the seams and edges but I don't think the post went out silverArowanaBoi what do u think 💬 💬 🤔
S SilverArowanaBoi
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I am remodeling my house and going to get into aquarium's and fish maybe both fw / sw 🧓👍😁 I was trying to ask if I could use epoxy resin instead of fiberglass resin for the seams and edges but I don't think the post went out silverArowanaBoi what do u think 💬 💬 🤔

Hey. Welcome to the fun group!

Sorry I'm just now seeing this, been on a trip recently. I honestly have no experience with this, but my guess would be epoxy. From a little googling, it said that it is stronger and it lasts a decently long time. But I would ask someone more experienced with tank building for this question.