This would have been a great idea if you could really trust people to tell the truth.. There is just no way you can show a screen shot of the craigslist ad, What if they bought it a few months ago? The ad would not still be up by the time you started this Thread...
I think I just like the idea of this Thread because I honestly believe I would have won it!!!! I bought a 360 gallon acrylic tank made out of 1" thick acrylic with a big built in overflow for $150...
And that is the honest to god truth!!!! I seen the ad and all it said was " HUGE FISH TANK NEED GONE NOW!!! " $150 come get it now if you can. So I called the guy and he said he just bought the house at auction and the tank was in the house, He said it's so big and heavy me and 3 of my guys could not move it, I just want $150 and it out of the house..
He didn't know anything about it or how many gallons it was only that it was big and heavy!!! LOL..So I did not waste no time I called 3 of my friends and went to check it out.. I almost pooped on myself when I walked in there and seen it.... The only bad thing about it was the design of it, its 8' Long 4' Tall 18" Wide... It's a great tank for a lot of smaller fish but not good for big Monsters!!!
After I paid the guy for it I realize why they couldn't move it. all that 1" acrylic is really, really, really HEAVY!!! it took 6 of use to put it in the back of my truck... So we finally got it in the truck and the guy ask me do you want another little tank for free and some other stuff I think was for that tank? I said sure why not, so we go in this other room and this monster wet/dry filter was the other little tank...LOL.. there was also 2 huge pieces of fake coral (3' tall x 2' wide), some huge fake plants and (3) 5 gallon buckets of sand gravel mix!!
I still have not even set the tank up yet, I just could not pass this thing up!!!