Missing Fish

Sarah J

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 4, 2018
i have sand substrate and vacuum the top. i will say i went two weeks rather than one this last time but it all just seemed to be a mess so i dont now either honestly. I've always wondered about the filter. i thought i had a really good filter considering my bio load is so low. i have 6 cory cats and a 1.5 inch pleco and i know they don't make too much of a mess. i will say now after i just looked again, i had barely any debris at all. i think the problem was me not moving the decor during normal water changes and sand skimming. There are these holes in the caves where things get trapped until i topple them over and thats what i did for the first time in a few weeks. i hadn't moved the decor. but i have it all gone now.

yea i just have 3 EBA
3 Sajicas
and the cory cats and pleco (which won't grow over 5 inches)

i am getting a green terror and another baby pleco that also won't grow over 5 inches
and some more cory cats to make another school


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Yes,certain caves,hollow logs and such can become magnets for detritus and waste matter to build up inside of.That was one of the reasons I stopped using them in my tanks....much to the displeasure of my fish that loved to hide in them.


MFK Moderators
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
Fry, Plecos (and shrimp in the case below) are consummate recyclers, and can reduce a corpse to almost northing almost overnight.
Here a good sized cichlid was killed by its mate.

So I dropped it in a shrimp refugium.

within short time


Sarah J

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 4, 2018
I will have to see more options then
Fry, Plecos (and shrimp in the case below) are consummate recyclers, and can reduce a corpse to almost northing almost overnight.
Here a good sized cichlid was killed by its mate.

So I dropped it in a shrimp refugium.

within short time

wow! ive scoured so I'm positive he's gone and I haven't found a decaying body. I'm about to get those caves out of there though for sure. I did have 4 shrimp in there and my baby red bushy nose pleco. my inch sajicas could have helped as well. I've seen them pick on live fish. its just crazy to think. I found nothing. I think ill have to make a shrimp tank btw because of this post lol