MMA News and Notes

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Just put in to get my tickets to the Bellator 112 fight in Chicago on March 14! :headbang2:headbang2:headbang2

Awesome. Enjoy the fights.

Thiago Silva is apparently kicked out of the UFC after threatening his ex wife and her new boyfriend. He allegedly put a gun in her mouth and is looking at some serious time.

Shortly before 7:45 p.m. on Thursday, according to the report, Thiago Silva drove to the Popovitch Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Center, 777 E. Oakland Park Blvd., where his wife was training with her boyfriend, Pablo Popovitch. The report said Thiago Silva continuously honked his car's horn.

Thaysa Silva told investigators that her husband appeared extremely intoxicated, was holding a Glock pistol and demanded she bring Popovitch outside or he would "go into the gym and start shooting everyone," the report said.

After Popovitch went outside, he too was threatened at gunpoint the report said, before he and Thaysa Silva were able to run inside the gym, lock the door and call 911.

Too bad, he was always in entertaining fights.
yea, heard about that yesterday

that's crazy man. if my wife cheated on me or we separated/divorced and she is with another dude,........ i'd say good riddance. no point in putting yourself in a more horrible situation than picking a fight or doing something that will get you thrown in jail
Agreed,at my job there are legions of dumb shnooks who couldn't handle it after their women left them for someone else.
yea I really don't get the people who wanna kick a dude's ass for being with their lady

I mean, I get it if it was some dude you were friends with or your brother who knows you're currently with a girl and goes behind your back to try and steal her. that's different. but i'd wanna kick his ass for the betrayal. not necessarily for the girl.

but I can't side with a guy who's girl finds some random dude to cheat on who doesn't even know you exist, then wanna go and beat him down. or even a guy who may know who you are, but you have split with your girl and they move in.

that is on the girl if she chooses to cheat or move on so quickly. that guy didn't screw you over. you have ego/security/pride/manliness issues if you wanna go take it out on that guy
If it was your brother that your girl stepped off with could you forgive him?
you know what? I can't say for sure because i'm sure it's easy to say when you haven't been in that situation.

but I would imagine eventually I would forgive him. depends on how they end up too. like, if it was my wife that ran off with my brother, but after like ten years they are married and still together and in love. hey, i'd just let it go. good for them I guess. good on you if you can be with her knowing that I've been married to her
Free fight tomorrow, right? Plus with Evans injured DC is fighting some no name up-and-commer @ UFC 170. I hope he loses. I always love when David steps up and destroys Goliath.
dude, they are actually replacing rashad with a dude that is 4-0??? wth? freakin lame man. there is no one at 205 that is a higher caliber fighter who will step in?

or are they just wanting to feed cormier a sacrificial lamb? either way, laaaaame
anyways, uncle creepy is injured and out of the pickett fight

damn, was looking forward to that. uncle creepy's been posting on sherdog too. cool guy and his girl is hot

Gilbert Melendez agrees to Bellator's offer? Gonna leave the ufc?? It's pending ufc's decision to match or not.

What the hell is going on? I believe Gil's management is asking for a lot of money that ufc is unwilling to pay. This guy is easily one of the best at 55, is what Gil is asking for really too much?

would be a damn shame if gil leaves, but then again, gilbert vs alvarez or chandler would be great fights