MMA News and Notes

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Classy guy.....It appears that Rampage walked out on Bellator while under contract in order to fight for UFC.If true I'm sure they will sue him but can they also sue UFC for using their contracted fighter?

Thought lawyers already got involved in that as the UFC fight was in danger? Jackson/UFC claim Jackson terminated the contract after bellator didn't fulfill their obligations.

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I wasn't aware that any lawyers had gotten involved but if a fighter claims that he terminated his contract does that mean he is free to go and work for whoever he chooses?...Physically I guess it does lol.
I'm not really sure what was happening with Rampage. A judge ruled that he couldn't fight on the card because of his contract obligations with Bellator, but the same judge ended up saying it was OK when he appealed. Either way, I'm sure this isn't done yet.

The police report is out for Mr. Jones. He looks very guilty. He ran from the scene then went back and stuffed a large amount of cash in his pants, then ran again. He left his weed and pipe at the scene.
eddie's the biggest closet mma fan I know

just come out of your closet already and leave your balls behind

i'm only speculating but an injunction was granted, then reversed,........I think the ufc gave new jersey a suitcase full of cash and they let rampage fight, lol

and for jon jones, nothing will happen to him. maybe a fine,.............isn't a hit and run just a misdemeanor anyways. speaking of rampage, what he did was worse. I think the pregnant lady involved in the rampage collision lost her unborn child iirc

another speculation of mine as long as I have my tinfoil hat on is, jones is missing because he's waiting for the coco to leave his system before turning himself in. it leaves the system in a week or something like that
I'd forgotten all about Rampage's meltdown with his truck and all but I don't recall anyone being injured let alone losing an unborn baby....damn.
Hit and run plus under intoxication? That's pretty big. But as said, it won't matter.

I don't know why but seem combat sport fighters get a pass from the media/general public in comparison to other athletes. Jon jones and floyd mayweather compared to say....Ray rice and dez Bryant.

anyone actually watch rampage fight? He didn't seem prepared at all after all the on again off again of this fight

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I haven't seen it but I read about how lackluster he looked,along with the excuses that Dana White gave for Rampage's that yet he still managed to beat the highly touted Maldonado.
The "pregnant" lady in the Rampage incident had already lost her child a few days earlier and was just trying to get some extra cash.
I believe a hit and run is a misdemeanor, but if someone is injured the charges can be upped.
Yes, he will wait for the coco to get out of his system (I think it only takes 3-4 days), but the weed will be there for a while.
I remember reading different things about the miscarriage lady. I heard that it was before, and I also heard it was after. I heard a doctor confirmed the miscarriage weeks after the collision but had nothing to do with the collision and she would've had it regardless. who knows, I don't care enough to look into it further. but Page actually was being pursued by the cops and he led them on a chase, lol.

I seriously don't think jones will get into any huge trouble. we'll see I guess, depends on what he can be charged for once all the facts come out