MMA News and Notes

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I would say trolling yourself into a title shot is more ridiculous than this narcing you're referring to

everyone that trash talks narcs then. anyone who has trash talked brings up stuff the other person did. that is where I was confused at you bringing up what dc did

but at the end of the day, controversy and bad blood brings attention to the fight and to the fighters themselves so whatever means is used to do that, even via narcing, doesn't bother me
eand about dc getting the title shot, there was not enough time to set up a tournament to see who would face rumble

they didn't want to cancel and delay a title shot that rumble had already earned. rumble had already went thru a whole training camp. the ufc was faced with a decision to replace jones or scrap the fight altogether. I think their intention was to make lemonade with the unexpected lemons they received

I think they made the right choice
Sure. They said DC please run your mouth a bunch. Youre already well iked by the media and those within the sport. You're our perfect puppet. then we'll cash in when we let bone back in for the rematch. Just keep running your mouth and the title shot is yours.
dc had always been the type to run his mouth a little. I enjoy his monologues and his commentating. his ability to articulate suits him for commentary as well as sell his fights

I do see hints of the title around his waist getting to his head a bit quickly though. but it doesn't bother me
Cormier did what he did and you've said what you would do...people handle things differently,at the end of the day what he said or how he said it is all very minor.The trash talk is just garnish on a plate with the main entre.Lol @biting the bait or whatever cause whether we like how they got to the big match or not we will see what ought to be a good fight and for free as I know I'm not paying for it.
to be honest, I didn't care for the dc/bader matchup before, but the verbal confrontation during the press conf caught my interest

be it by trash talking or narcing, I now want to see them fight
It's a big fight????? See, you're taking the bait. It's the same lame fight that neither of you cared for when it was originally scheduled. Throw a title in, do some internet trolling, offer to beat his ass in retaliation for Internet trolling and a lame fight becomes a big fight?

My point proven. Hook, line and sinker
and besides, I never thought the fight was gonna be lame. my lack of interest in the fight originally was more about not being a fan of bader
Who said it was a big fight?..It only has to be a good fight to please me.I really don't care what the circumsrances are as long as I get to see some fists and kicks flying.