Modular PVC Inline filter.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The only thing I was wondering if it wouldn't be eaiser to series the filters and make the first one mechanical only, that way you only have to pull one filter all the time for cleaning. Love the idea.
lol, I guess your waste isn't that bad compared to my stingrays. I have 600 gallons with 9 rays feeding thru a 7"x32" 100 micron sock filter and have to change it everyday. I'm building a 12'x8'x3' plywood right now with your design and will probably use the inline filter design also for my submerged bio. Ya got some talent there. I feel a little bad for stealing all your designs. lol
Is there a sump for your pump or is your pump in line?
Remember that most pumps do not suck very well and if the filters start to clog, then the pump will start cavitating. It would be better to place the pump before the filters and force the water through them. I know that this would churn up a lot of the stuff you are trying to filter out.
If you don't have a sump, then how are you going to maintain your water level?
I take it it will always be a few centimetres above your overflows to prevent them running dry.
There is a sump I am using for filtration right now but there is no overflow box because the 2" pipes coming from the tank are built to act as overflows. I think maybe the drawings confused people somehow. Once the new filtration system is installed the water level in the tank will be at whatever level I fill it to. If you look in the articles section my build is in there and the link is in my signature and you can maybe get a better idea of what I'm doing here with the way the bulkheads are plumbed into the tank. When I install the new system I will be removing all the plumbing except the bulkheads and redoing the whole thing so the water will flow right from the bulkheads and directly to the filters, there will be no more piped overflow. I hope this explanation helps out a bit more.
Always a bad idea to have a restriction in an overflow gravity fed system. Could result in a flood.
What I would do is overflow straight to your sump. Then use your sump as a giant settlement chamber and then pump through your filters to your tank.
If your settlement chamber is well designed, then you will settle out all solids and this will also prevent your filters from clogging quickly. Also less dissolved solids from solids in your "cartridges" dissolving as water flows over them.
The pumps will see a pretty drastic increase in flow when your filters get clogged because I'm running a similar setup. Having 4 filters in parallel should slow that problem. My system only has 1 modular filter feeding the pump and it has a micron water filter than can be put in or bypassed on the return side of the pump. The system works great as long as it's maintained. My filter was more of an experiment, but I would suggest a sump on a large tank.