Monster Fish Sale |SoCAL| ...widebars ...rtc ....

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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smaller widebar sold...bigger widebar still available
u read it. ima thread it.

! P R i C E . C H A N G E S !(slightly)

> 5-6 inch Datnoides Pulcher (widebar) - $165
__.Solid Bars. Stable Colors.

> 7-8 inch Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum) - $25
__.Very Active. Eats Alot.

> 4.5 inch Thinbar Datnoid (Datnioides Undecimradiatus) - $30
__.Very-Very Active. Loves Shrimp. Not As Shy As Most Thinbars. Unstable Bars.

> 7-8 inch Redtail Catfish (RTC, Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus) - $25
__.Eats Alot. Apparently... this guy isa Beast~ Active.

> 4 inch king Tiger Pleco (L066,Hypancistrus sp.) - $40
__.Nice Coloring. Picky Eater.

> 3 inch Blue Lobster (what? some ppl like lobsters ) - $5

> 10-12 inch LAPREDEi Bichirs - $25 each.
__.2/Two of them for sale. Huge Monsters.

--------[one of them is still pending.]-----

PM me for more details and information.

[MFk Hint] :D
-you really want one of these? better PM me that you 'want to buy' instead of 'im interested' because the only fish thats mines is, the thinbar. every other fish is first PM to buy/pick up. of course u can come by look at em what not... but theres pictures. and maybe by the time u come to look... what you wanted is long gone~
so, a little bit of advice. want em? better say it. :naughty: Good Luck guys.
A bump to the top and thanks for the beautiful fish T. And thanx for hooking me up with Dan's fish.
not a problem..glad to hear dat from ya
thinbar and 1 of the lap. bichers takers for the other lap. bicher and catfish and silver aro? sooner the fish goes the sooner i can sell my tank equipment
> 5-6 inch Datnoides Pulcher (widebar) - $165
__.Solid Bars. Stable Colors.

> 7-8 inch Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum) - $25
__.Very Active. Eats Alot.

> 7-8 inch Redtail Catfish (RTC, Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus) - $25
__.Eats Alot. Apparently... this guy isa Beast~ Active.

> 4 inch king Tiger Pleco (L066,Hypancistrus sp.) - $40
__.Nice Coloring. Picky Eater.

> 3 inch Blue Lobster (what? some ppl like lobsters ) - $5

> 10-12 inch LAPREDEi Bichirs - $25
__. Huge Monster. Krill Destroyer~

these are still available.

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