Monster Fish Sale |SoCAL| ...widebars ...rtc ....

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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5-6 inch Datnoides Pulcher (widebar) - $165
__.Solid Bars. Stable Colors.

> 7-8 inch Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum) - $25
__.Very Active. Eats Alot.

> 7-8 inch Redtail Catfish (RTC, Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus) - $25
__.Eats Alot. Apparently... this guy isa Beast~ Active.

> 4 inch king Tiger Pleco (L066,Hypancistrus sp.) - $40
__.Nice Coloring. Picky Eater.

> 3 inch Blue Lobster (what? some ppl like lobsters ) - $5

> 10-12 inch LAPREDEi Bichirs - $25
__. Huge Monster. Krill Destroyer~

i know somebody out there needs another Pulcher!!!

i actually bought a 3incher today too~
but it seems to be a bit mean.... hahaha. :ROFL:

:nilly: get a PULCHER WHILE U STiLL CAN!!!!
! P R i C E . C H A N G E S !

> 5-6 inch Datnoides Pulcher (widebar) - $150
__.Solid Bars. Stable Colors.

> 7-8 inch Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum) - $20
__.Very Active. Eats Alot.

> 7-8 inch Redtail Catfish (RTC, Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus) - $20
__.Eats Alot. Apparently... this guy isa Beast~ Active.

> 4 inch king Tiger Pleco (L066,Hypancistrus sp.) - $40
__.Nice Coloring. Picky Eater.

> 3 inch Blue Lobster |!| FREE with Purchase of Pleco / RTC / or Aro|!|
__.Which Ever is Bought First~

> 10-12 inch LAPREDEi Bichirs - $25 each.
__.Huge Monsters. krill killer.

these are still available.
thats right~

they are almost all gone.

Whats Available:

> 7-8 inch Redtail Catfish (RTC, Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus) - $20
__.Eats Alot. Apparently... this guy isa Beast~ Active.

all the rest sold today.
hope you enjoy ALL THOSE FISHES~ lol.

well, you know what that means right?:naughty:

TiME TO SELL THE SET-UP!!!!:headbang2

-60 Gallon Glass Tank (with glass top) -$40-
-60 Gallon Light Fixture (with Bulb) -$25-
-Emperor 400 (couple months old) -$25-
__.comes with a free box of marineland carbon)
-Drift Wood -$25-

Take Everything for $100 together. (as in the tank set-up... :grinno: not the fish too.)


need feeder/grow-out tank?

selling a 10 Gallon set-up as well~

10 gallon glass tank.
-Light Fixture (with Bulb)
-Wisper 30 (Hang On Filter; filtrates 30 gallons)

PM me for more details and information.

AQUATiC213ZOMBiE;586173; said:

need feeder/grow-out tank?

selling a 10 Gallon set-up as well~

10 gallon glass tank.
-Light Fixture (with Bulb)
-Wisper 30 (Hang On Filter; filtrates 30 gallons)

PM me for more details and information.

OOPS~ forgot price.

10 GALLON SET-UP is $25

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