Very cool to have such a huge animal on the front lawn although that video lets you know the other side of the coin. I am enjoying the birds in my Yorkshire (Northern England) garden now the cold weather is here (it snowed the last couple of days). The common birds here are really beautiful including a single robin, several blue tit and collared doves and a male blackbird with his yellow beak and eye ring (he brought up his young on his own this year). Starlings come in a flock sometimes and clear all the food in seconds so I do a restock when they are gone. Up to 24 impressive red kites come and take chicken scraps off the shed roof. I also have a very healthy looking grey squirrel who buries nuts I put out. A sparrowhawk swooped into the garden yesterday, did a rapid circle round and sat on the tree but didn't manage to grab a bird as they were smart enough to dive for cover and stay there. Everyone needs to eat. The only moose I get round here is chocolate flavoured but its just as awesome IMHO.
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